With a layer (or layers) selected, choosing Edit > Free Transform will show the transform controls enabling you to transform the contents of the layer. However, if you’re doing a lot of transforming of layers, it might be quicker to select the Move tool and enable “Show Transform Controls” in the Options bar. Paths and vector masks are the exception – even with path selected, you will need to choose Edit > Free Transform path to access the transform controls.
These shortcuts can help speed up the process:
• Holding the Shift key while dragging any of the corner anchor points (handles), forces proportional transformations.
• Adding the Option + (Mac) | Alt + (Win) key transforms from the center.
• Command (Mac) | Control (Win) -drag a corner anchor point to freely distort the image.
• Command + Shift (Mac) | Control + Shift (Win) -drag a center anchor point to skew the image.
• Command + Option + Shift (Mac) | Control + Alt + Shift (Win) -drag a corner anchor point to change the perspective of an image.
• To apply the transformation tap the Return (Mac) | Enter (Win) key.
• To cancel a transformation tap the Escape key.